Pharmintech 2025 • Fiera Milano, Italy

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OSeeT Software

A simple and User Friendly OSeeT software, monitors the growth of the coating thickness and other characteristics throughout the whole process or at-line measurement. Each black spot on the chart corresponds to one thickness evaluation. Individual evaluations can be reviewed clicking on the black spots.

Screenshot of the Results tab in our OSeeT Pharma 1D software at the end of a coating process

Direct vs indirect measurements

 Direct measurements with standard OseeT softwareIndirect measurements with new development software
Typical use casemonitoring of transparent or semi-transparent coatings without scattering pigmentsmonitoring of scattering coatings (containing e.g. TiO₂, Fe₂O₃ etc.), uncoated products investigation, correlation of compression force to dissolution
Coating layersvisible in OseeT imagesnot visible in OseeT images
Calibration and correlationnot necessary – initial results are available right after the first measurementsA model needs to be created to correlate light penetration depth with the desired parameters (coating thickness, compression force, dissolution time)
Evaluationbased on visible interfaces between coating and corebased on penetration depth of light into the sample
Example OCT images

Images fromWolfgang et al., Ascertain a minimum coating thickness for acid protection of enteric coatings by means of optical coherence tomography (2022)Elisabeth Fink, Elen Gartshein, Johannes G. Khinast. Extending the Use of Optical Coherence Tomography to Scattering Coatings Containing Pigments

Comment regarding direct measurement imgs: Imgs are from following time points: 65, 130, 240 min. Include the time points on the images on the HP as on the images of the indirect measurements

Samples measured at 3 different time points of a coating process.
Evaluated area shown in color.

Types of OSeeT systems and probe heads

Depending on the intended application, there are different systems or combinations of OseeT systems and probe heads available.

Base Unit

Use Case



HW 1.5

Mainly tablets

  • Axial resolution: 4 µm

  • Minimum coating thickness for automatic evaluation: 12 µm

HW 2.0

Samples with layer thicknesses between 12 µm and 150 µm (in certain cases up to 400 µm or more possible)

Suitable dosage forms: tablets, pellets, polymer films, co-extrudates, transdermal patches

  • Axial resolution: 3.7 µm

  • Minimum coating thickness for automatic evaluation: 12 µm

Compared to HW 1.5:

  • Improved image quality

  • Faster acquisition rate

  • Stronger PC components


Pellets with very thin coating layers starting from about 4.5 µm

(UHR OCT is not recommended for tablets and coatings thicker than about 50 µm)

  • Axial Resolution: 1.5 µm

  • Minimum coating thickness for automatic evaluation: 4.5 µm

Sampling Device

Use Case




At-line measurements mainly with pellets or tablets

  • Samples stay static and are not mechanically stressed during measurement

  • Samples can be measured in desired and specified positions

  • Only one tablet necessary to perform a measurement (but not limited to one – there can also be many samples)

  • Exchangeable discs available for different products/sizes


At-line measurement of tablets in a little perforated drum, mimicking an in-line coating process movement of the samples

  • Movement of samples as in a drum coater

  • Larger sample set can be evaluated at once compared to SDP

  • Measurements from different positions of the tablet are evaluated at the same time and give information about the whole batch’s variation with only one measurement

  • Min. 100 ml (ca. 100 tablets) of samples required

  • Depending on characteristics of coating, samples might be damaged during longer measurement periods


Use Case

In-line installation


Pan Probe

Monitoring of drum coating processes, co-extrudates, films, patches

  • e.g. mounted below the drum of a pan coater with perforated drum

Fluid Bed Monitoring Probe

In-line monitoring for coating processes of pellets and other multi-particulates

  • Directly attached to a fluid bed coater window/port

  • Probe interface includes a funnel to guide pellets in front of the sensor (pellets need to be measured at a certain distance and a suitable velocity)

Application range of OSeeT

OSeeT was originally developed for direct measurement of transparent and semi-transparent materials. High concentrations of pigments in the coating formulation (i.e., titanium dioxide or iron oxide) are scattering the light beam and therefore limiting the direct insight into the material. By establishing advanced image analysis metrics, a second stream of OSeeT software has been developed to evaluate coatings with highly scattering pigments as well as uncoated dosage forms (beta version).

Application range of OSeeT (in the pharmaceutical field)

Transparent or semi-transparent coated products

OSeDirect measurement of coating thickness, roughness, homogeneity for:
Tablets and capsules at-line and in-line
Pellets at-line and in-line
Co-extruded dosage forms
Thin drug layer of transdermal patches and oral films

Uncoated products

Indirect measurement of uncoated samples and correlation with critical quality attributes (e.g. dissolution or tablet hardness) – beta version of the software

Non-transparent coated products

Indirect measurement of the thickness of scattering coatings (beta version) and correlation with critical quality attributes (e.g. dissolution) – beta version of the software